Python Interface Examples

There are a couple of examples.

Hello Imspector Example

Connects to Imspector, displays the parameters and doubles the exposure time of the sample camera if a camera is existing as device.

    Connects to Imspector, displays the parameters and doubles the exposure time of the sample camera
    if a camera is existing as device.

    Requirements: Latest Python 2.X or 3.X, specpy (
    which itself requires NumPy >= 1.8.1, Imspector with "Run Server" checked and an open measurement

    See also:

# Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# import specpy
import specpy as sp

# connect to local Imspector
im = sp.get_application()

# print Imspector host and version
print('Connected to Imspector {} on {}'.format(im.version(),

# get active measurement and print nicely
msr = im.active_measurement()
from pprint import pprint
print('Parameters of measurement {}'.format(

# read and write a parameter
if 'SimCam' in msr.parameters():
    time = msr.parameters('SimCam/ExposureTime')
    msr.set_parameters('SimCam/ExposureTime', 2 * time)

# now have a look at Imspector, the parameter should have changed in the measurement properties of this measurement

Data Analysis Example

Connects to Imspector, opens a recorded measurement, computes statistical measures on this data and prints them in a file. - data_analysis_example.msr

    Connects to Imspector, opens a recorded measurement, computes statistical measures on this data
    and prints them in a file.

    Requirements: Latest Python 2.X or 3.X, specpy (
    which itself requires NumPy >= 1.8.1, Imspector with "Run Server" checked and the file

    See also:

# Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# import numpy
import numpy as np

# import specpy
import specpy as sp

# connect to local Imspector and open an example file
im = sp.get_application()
measurement ="data_analysis_example.msr")

# set threshold
threshold = 410

# open output file
file = open('data_analysis_example_output.txt', 'w')

# for each stack in the measurement
for name in measurement.stack_names():
    # get the stack (as our stub object)
    stack = measurement.stack(name)
    # get the data array from the stack
    data =
    # compute mean and std
    mean = data.mean()
    standard_deviation = data.std()
    # print mean and std to console and to file
    print('stack {} has mean {} and std {}'.format(name, mean, standard_deviation))
    print('stack {} has mean {} and std {}'.format(name, mean, standard_deviation), file=file)

    # apply mask (all values smaller threshold)
    masked_data =, threshold)

    # compute mean and std on masked image
    mean = masked_data.mean()
    standard_deviation = masked_data.std()

    # print mean and std on masked image to console and to file
    print('masked stack {} with threshold {} has mean {} and std {}'.format(name, threshold, mean, standard_deviation))
    print('masked stack {} with threshold {} has mean {} and std {}'.format(name, threshold, mean, standard_deviation), file=file)

    # change pixels (you can see this in Imspector) below threshold to another value
    np.putmask(data, data < threshold, 4095)


Measurement Example

Example of how to traverse the measurements, configurations, stacks hierarchy of Imspector with Python. Also runs a measurement.

    Example of how to traverse the measurements, configurations, stacks hierarchy of Imspector with Python.
        Also runs a measurement.

    Requirements: Latest Python 2.X or 3.X, specpy (
    which itself requires NumPy >= 1.8.1, Imspector with "Run Server" checked and an open measurement.

    March, 2015, Jan Keller (

    See also:

# Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

# import NumPy
import numpy as np

# import specpy
import specpy as sp

# get imspector object and print version
im = sp.get_application()
print('Imspector {} on {}'.format(im.version(),

# print existing device drivers

# print current imspector parameters

# list all open measurements
print('names of open measurements')

# get currently active measurement
msr = im.active_measurement()
print('name of active measurement: {}'.format(
print('configurations in active measurement')
print('number of stacks: {}'.format(msr.number_of_stacks()))

# get another measurement (the first one, should be at least one open)
measurement_name = im.measurement_names()[0]
msr = im.measurement(measurement_name)
print('name of chosen measurement: {}'.format(
print('configurations in chosen measurement')
print('active configuration: {}'.format(msr.active_configuration().name()))
print('number of stacks: {}'.format(msr.number_of_stacks()))

# set active configuration (the first one, should contain at least one)
configuration_name = msr.configuration_names()[0]
configuration = msr.configuration(configuration_name)
print('active configuration: {}'.format(msr.active_configuration().name()))

# create new stack (will be added to active measurement)
s = msr.create_stack(np.int32, [100, 100, 1, 1])
print('number of stacks: {}'.format(msr.number_of_stacks()))

# runs the measurement
print('active configuration {}'.format(msr.active_configuration().name()))
print('number of stacks: {}'.format(msr.number_of_stacks()))

# set a configuration and runs it
configuration = msr.configuration(configuration_name)
print('active configuration {}'.format(msr.active_configuration().name()))
print('number of stacks: {}'.format(msr.number_of_stacks()))